Tuesday, October 13, 2020

List Of Excoes Of The State Executive Council (Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, MMKN) By States In Malaysia...

Proud To Be Malaysian


The state government level administration in Malaysia is headed by the Sultan / Yang Dipertuan Besar / King / State Governor as the respective state heads and the Menteri Besar / Chief Minister as the chief executive of the respective state governments.

The Menteri Besar / Chief Minister is assisted by several committee chairmen or better known as the state Executive Council (Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan, MMK) exco. In Sabah & Sarawak... The Chief Minister is assisted by several state ministers. Each exco / state minister appointed has a role to assist in the smooth administration of the state government according to the portfolio of their respective state committees / ministries.

At the time this blogpost is being typed... the following is a list of state Executive Council (Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan, MMK) excoes / ministers of the State Cabinet in Malaysia according to their respective states...


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Amirudin Shari.
~~ Menteri Besar Selangor (MB Selangor).
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance, Land Development and Natural Resource Management, Islamic Religious Affairs, Education, Strategic Communications and Selangor Economic Action Council (MTES) Selangor.
~~ Chairman of the Selangor Housing and Urban Life Standing Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Teng Chang Khim.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Investment, Industry and Trade, Small and Medium Industry (SMI) Selangor.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ganabatirau A / L Veraman.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Empowerment and Socio-Economic Development and Concerned Selangor Government.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Izham Hashim.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Public Facilities, Agriculture Modernization and Agro-based Industry Selangor.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Rodziah Ismail.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Entrepreneur Development, Rural Development, Rural and Traditional Villages of Selangor.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd Khairuddin Othman.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Young Generation Development & Sports and Selangor Human Capital Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ng Sze Han.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Local Government, Public Transport and Selangor New Village Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud.
~~ Chairman of the Selangor Standing Committee on Health, Welfare, Women and Family Empowerment.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Hee Loy Sian.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee on Environment, Green Technology, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Selangor Consumer Affairs.

~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee of Culture and Tourism, and Heritage Selangor Malay Civilization.

Negeri Sembilan.

~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Seri Aminuddin Harun.
~~ Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan (MB Negeri Sembilan).
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Financial, Land and Natural Resources Action Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Action Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Tourism Action Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Security Action Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Infrastructure and Public Facilities Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Teo Kok Seong.
~~ Chairman of the Urban Wellbeing, Local Government Housing and Kampung Baru Negeri Sembilan Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Dr. Mohamad Rafie Abdul Malek |
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Investment, Industry, Entrepreneurship, Education and Human Capital Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Mohamad Taufek Abd. Ghani.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Youth and Sports Development Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ismail Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Rural Development Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Arul Kumar Jambunathan.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Human Resources, Plantation and Non-Muslim Affairs Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Bakri Sawir.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Veerapan Superamaniam.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Health, Environment, Cooperatives and Consumerism Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohamad Nazaruddin Saturday.
~~ Chairman of the Standing Committee of Arts, Culture and Malay Customs Council Negeri Sembilan.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Nicole Tan Lee Koon.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan Women's Affairs and Welfare Action Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Choo Ken Hwa.
~~ Chairman of the Negeri Sembilan National Unity, Information and Integration Action Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Datuk Ir. Hasni Mohammad |
~~ Menteri Besar Johor (MB Johor).
~~ Chairman of the Johor Revenue, Administration, Finance, Planning and Economic Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Samsol Bari Jamali.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Agriculture, Agro-based Industry and Rural Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ayub Jamil.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Housing and Local Government Committee,

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Zaiton Ismail.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Women, Family and Community Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Tourism, Youth and Sports Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Vidyananthan Ramanadhan.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Health and Environment Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mazlan Bujang.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Education, Information, Heritage and Culture Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd Solihan Badri.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Works, Transport and Infrastructure Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Tosrin Jarvanthi.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Islamic Religious Affairs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd Izhar Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Investment, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperatives and Human Resources Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Chong Fat Full.
~~ Chairman of the Johor Unity, Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee.

Malacca (Melaka).

~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Datuk Haji Sulaiman Md Ali.
~~ Chief Minister of Melaka (KM Melaka).
~~ Chairman of the Committee on Economic Planning, Finance, Land Development, Coast & Rivers, Water Management, Religious Affairs, Industry, Investment, Technology, Communications, Multimedia & Related Government Agencies of Melaka State.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Seri Haji Abd Ghafar Atan.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Housing, Local Government and Environment Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Seri Ir. Ts. Haji Idris Haron.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka District Development, Rural and Flood Management Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Latipah Omar.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Women's Affairs, Family Development and Welfare Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Roslan Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Works, Transport, Public Facilities and Infrastructure Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Rahmad Mariman.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Health and Anti-Drug Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Wira Ar. Haji Ismail Othman |
~~ Chairman of the State Committee on Unity, Community Relations, Manpower and Consumer Affairs Melaka.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Mohd Rafiq Naizamohideen.
~~ Chairman of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Committee, Youth Development and Sports Melaka.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Noor Effandi Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Committee in the Chief Minister's Department of Melaka (Education, Higher Education, Technical & Vocational, Science & Innovation) Melaka.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Muhammad Jailani Thursday.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Tourism, Heritage and Culture Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Norhizam Hassan Baktee.
~~ Chairman of the Melaka Agriculture, Livestock, Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative Committee.


~ Yours sincerely (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Chow Kon Yeow.
~~ Chief Minister of Penang (KM Penang).
~~ Chairman of the Penang Land Affairs & Land Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Transport Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Information Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Ir. Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister l Penang (TKM1 Penang).
~~ Chairman of the Penang Islamic Religious Affairs Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Industrial Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Community Relations Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister 2 Penang (TKM2 Penang).
~~ Chairman of the Penang State Economic Planning Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Education Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Human Capital Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Science, Technology & Innovation Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Chong Eng.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Women & Family Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Gender Inclusion Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Religious Committee other than Islam Penang.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Jagdeep Singh Deo.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Local Government Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Housing Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Town & Country Planning Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Phee Boon Poh.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Welfare Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Caring Community Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Environment Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Norlela Ariffin.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Health Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Agriculture & Agro-based Industry Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Rural Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Zairil Khir Johari.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Public Works Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Utilities Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Flood Mitigation Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) YB Dato 'Haji Abdul Halim Haji Hussain.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Domestic & International Trade Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Consumer Affairs Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Entrepreneurship Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Yeoh Soon Hin.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Tourism Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Heritage, Culture & Arts Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Soon Lip Chee.
~~ Chairman of the Penang Youth and Sports Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu.
~~ Menteri Besar Perak (MB Perak).
~~ Chairman of the Finance, Security, Land, Natural Resources, Economic Planning, Government Linked Companies (GLC) and Perak National Integration Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Saarani Mohamad.
~~ Chairman of the Perak Rural Development, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Dr. Wan Noorashikin Wan Nordin.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Women, Family and Community Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Shahrul Zaman Dato' Yahya.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Corridor Industry, Investment and Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Abdul Junus Jamhari.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Agriculture, Fisheries, Plantation and Food Security Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Nolee Ashilin Dato' Mohammed Radzi.
~~ Chairman of the Perak Housing, Local Government, and Tourism Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Haji Razman Zakaria.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Education, Human Capital Development, NGO and Civil Society Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd Akmal Kamaruddin.
~~ Chairman of the Perak Islamic Religious and Information Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Mohd Zolkafly Harun.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Infrastructure, Energy, Water and Public Transport Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Khairul Shahril Mohamed.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Youth, Sports, Communications and Multimedia Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ahmad Saidi Mohamad Daud.
~~ Chairman of the Perak State Health, Science, Environment and Green Technology Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Haji Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor.
~~ Menteri Besar Kedah (MB Kedah).
~~ Chairman of the State Economic Planning Committee, State Planning, Land Affairs, Land Resources and Natural Resources, Finance, Kedah Economic Council, and Kedah State Government Linked Companies (GLCs).

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. By Abd Rahman By Ismail.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Industry and Investment Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Science, Technology and Innovation and Higher Education Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Mohd Hayati Othman.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Health Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Local Government Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Azman Nasrudin.
~~ Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Food Industry, Plantation Enterprises and Commodities; and Kedah Transport.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Indian Community Affairs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Suraya Yaacob.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Works Committee.
~~ Chairman of Kedah Water Supply & Water Resources Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Energy Committee.
~~ Chairman of Kedah Irrigation and Drainage Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Siti Ashah Ghazali.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Rural Development Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Poverty Eradication Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Human Development and Community Welfare Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Halimaton Shaadiah Saad.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Welfare Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Women, Family and Community Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Romani Wan Salim.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Information, Communication and Multimedia Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Najmi Haji Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Religious Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Education Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Human Resources Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd Firdaus Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Youth and Sports Committee.
~~ Chairman of Kedah Tourism, Arts and Culture Committee.
~~ Chairman of Kedah Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Robert Ling Kui Ee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Housing Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Environment Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Kedah Unity, Chinese and Siamese Community Affairs Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Seri Azlan Man.
~~ Menteri Besar Perlis (MB Perlis).
~~ Chairman of the Administration & Finance Committee, International Investment & Trade, Economic Planning & Industrial Development, Land Affairs, Security and Public Order Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Asmaiza Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Rural Development & Poverty Eradication Committee, Development of New Growth Center, Tourism, and Culture, Arts & Heritage of Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Nurulhisham Yaakob.
~~ Chairman of the Agriculture & Agro-based Industry, Plantation & Commodity Industries Committee, and Coordination of Integrated Enforcement & Public Complaints Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Azizan Sulaiman.
~~ Chairman of the Housing & Local Government Committee, Hawkers & Small Traders, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives & Consumerism, and Entrepreneur Development & Small and Medium Industries of Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Hamizan Hassan.
~~ Chairman of the Public Utilities & Infrastructure, Transport, Youth & Sports, and Non-Governmental Organizations Committee of Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ruzaini Rais.
~~ Chairman of the Committee on Islamic Religious Affairs, Welfare & Disaster Relief, and Perlis State Border Relations & Cooperation.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Rozieana Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Education, Human Resource Development, Science, Technology & Innovation, and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Committee of the State of Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Siti Berenee Yahaya.
~~ Chairman of the Women, Family & Community Development Committee, Community Unity, and Special Duties of Perlis.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Teh Chai Aan.
~~ Chairman of the Perlis State Natural Resources & Environment, Biotechnology & Green Technology, and Health Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Sri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.
~~ Menteri Besar Pahang (MB Pahang).
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Planning, Finance, Land and Natural Resources Committee.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Investment, Industry and Economic Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Mohd. Sharkar Shamsudin.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Tourism, Environment and Plantation Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Ir. Mohd. Soffi Abd. Razak.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Committee on Agriculture, Agro-based Industry and Biotechnology.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Shahaniza Shamsuddin.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Committee on Culture, Unity, Social Welfare, Women and Family Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Syed Ibrahim Syed Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang Islamic Religious Affairs, Education and Health Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Norolazali Sulaiman.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Facilities, Public Delivery System and Innovation Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sri Mohd Johari Hussain.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Human Resources, Youth, Sports and Non-Governmental Organizations Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Abd Aziz Mat Kiram.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang Rural Development and Indigenous Affairs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Mohammad Fakhruddin Mohd Ariff.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang State Science, Technology, Green Technology, Communications and Multimedia Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato ’Nazri Ngah.
~~ Chairman of the FELDA Affairs Committee, Cooperatives, Entrepreneurs and Consumer Affairs Pahang.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Abd Rahim Muda.
~~ Chairman of the Pahang Local Government and Housing Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Bentara Kanan Ustaz Dato' Haji Ahmad Yakob.
~~ Menteri Besar Kelantan (MB Kelantan).
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Land, Natural Resources, Economic and Financial Planning Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Haji Mohd Amar bin Nik Abdullah.
~~ Deputy Menteri Besar of Kelantan (TMB Kelantan).
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Public Administration, Regional Development, People's Welfare and Integrity Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ustaz Haji Tuan Mohd Saripudin Tuan Ismail.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Agriculture, Agro-based Industry, Biotechnology, Green Technology and Environment Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Sr. Haji Azami Mohd Nor.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Works, Infrastructure and Utilities Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Haji Izani Husin.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Local Government, Housing and Health Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ustaz Haji Wan Roslan Wan Hamat.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Youth, Sports and NGO Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Dr Mohamed Fadzli Hassan.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Human Development, Education, Higher Education and Information Technology Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato ’Warlord Ustaz Dato 'Haji Mohd Nassuruddin Daud.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Islamic Development, Dakwah, Information and Public Relations Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Hanifa Ahmad.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Industry, Trade, Investment and Entrepreneurs Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Major (B) Dato 'Haji Md Anizam Ab Rahman.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Community, Culture, Heritage and Tourism Unity Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dato 'Hajah Mumtaz Md. Nawi.
~~ Chairman of the Kelantan Welfare, Family Development and Women Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Seri Dr. Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar |
~~ Menteri Besar Terengganu (MB Terengganu).
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Planning, Finance, Investment, Land & Natural Resources Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Satiful Bahri Mamat.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Shariah Implementation, Education & Higher Education Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Alias ​​Razak |
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Local Government, Housing, Health & Environment Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd. Nor Hamzah |
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Human Development, Da'wah & Information Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Azman Ibrahim |
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Agriculture, Agro-based Industry & Rural Development Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Tengku Hassan Tengku Omar.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Trade, Industry, Regional Development & Good Governance Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Ariffin Deraman.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Tourism, Culture & Information Technology Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Hanafiah Mat.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu National Welfare, Women, Family Development & Unity Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Wan Sukairi Wan Abdullah.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Youth, Sports & Non-Governmental Organizations Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Mamad Puteh |
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Infrastructure, Public Facilities, Utilities & Green Technology Committee.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd. Nurkhuzaini Ab. Rahman.
~~ Chairman of the Terengganu Entrepreneurship, Micro Industry & Hawker Affairs Committee.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Dato 'Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Abang Openg.
~~ Chief Minister of Sarawak (KM Sarawak).
~~ Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Sarawak.
~~ Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Douglas Uggah Embas.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak (TKM Sarawak).
~~ Minister of Agriculture Modernization, Native Land and Regional Development Sarawak.
~~ Minister of Finance 2 Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) James Jemut Masing.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak (TKM Sarawak).
~~ Minister of Infrastructure Development and Transport Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Awang Tengah Ali Hassan.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak (TKM Sarawak).
~~ Minister of International Trade and Industry, Industrial Terminal and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak.
~~ Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources 2 Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mohd. Naroden Majais.
~~ Assistant Minister of E-Commerce Sarawak.
~~ Assistant Minister of Sarawak Small Entrepreneur Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Talip Zulpilip.
~~ Minister in the Chief Minister's Department of Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Michael Manyin Jawong.
~~ Minister of Education, Science and Technology Research Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Annuar Rapaee.
~~ Assistant Minister of Education and Technology Research Sarawak.
~~ Assistant Minister of Public Health Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Sim Kui Hian.
~~ Minister of Local Government and Housing Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Caller ID.
~~ Assistant Minister of Local Government and Housing Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.
~~ Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture Sarawak.
~~ Minister of Youth and Sports Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Snowdan Opponent.
~~ Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Lee Kim Shin.
~~ Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Lee Kim Shin.
~~ Minister of Transport Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Jerip Susil.
~~ Assistant Minister of Transport Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Stephen Rundi Utom.
~~ Minister of Utilities Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Fatimah Abdullah.
~~ Minister of Welfare, Community Welfare, Women, Family and Child Development Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Rosey Yunus.
~~ Assistant Minister of Women, Family and Children's Development Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Francis Harden Hollis.
~~ Assistant Minister of Community Welfare Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) John Sikie Tayai.
~~ Assistant Minister of Law and Customs Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Julaihi Narawi.
~~ Assistant Minister of Coastal Road Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Liwan Lagang.
~~ Assistant Minister of Sarawak Water Supply.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Len Talif Salleh.
~~ Assistant Minister of Town Planning, Land Administration and Environment Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Roland Sagah Wee Inn.
~~ Assistant Minister of Sarawak Customary Land Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Abdul Rahman Junaidi |
~~ Assistant Minister of Rural Electricity Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Abdul Rahman Ismail |
~~ Assistant Minister of Agriculture Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazalie.
~~ Assistant Minister of Law, Federal Relations and Sarawak Project Monitoring.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Malcolm Mussen Lamoh.
~~ Assistant Minister of Industry and Investment Sarawak.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Abdullah Saidol.
~~ Assistant Minister of Corporate Affairs Sarawak.


~ The Most Honorable (Yang Amat Berhormat, Y.A.B.) Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Apdal.
~~ Chief Minister of Sabah (KM Sabah).
~~ Sabah Minister of Finance.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Kenny Chua Teck Ho.
~~ Assistant Minister of Finance Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Saripuddin Hatta.
~~ Assistant Minister of Finance Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Seri Commander Wilfred Madius Tangau.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah (TKM Sabah).
~~ Sabah Minister of Trade and Industry.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Ben Chong Chen Bin.
~~ Assistant Minister of Trade and Industry Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Hj. Azhar Matussin |
~~ Assistant Minister of Trade and Industry Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Christina Liew Chin Jin.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah (TKM Sabah).
~~ Sabah Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Assaffal P. Alian.
~~ Assistant Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Jaujan Sambakong.
~~ Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah (TKM Sabah).
~~ Sabah Minister of Local Government and Housing.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Hiew Vun Zin.
~~ Assistant Minister of Local Government and Housing Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Peter Anthony.
~~ Sabah Minister of Infrastructure Development.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Abdul Muis Picho.
~~ Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Junz Wong Hong Jun.
~~ Sabah Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Dr. Daud Yusof |
~~ Assistant Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Ewon Benedick.
~~ Sabah Rural Development Minister.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Tuan Dumi Pg. Masdal.
~~ Assistant Minister of Rural Development Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Phoong Jin Zhe.
~~ Sabah Minister of Youth and Sports.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Arunarsin Taib.
~~ Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Frankie Poon Ming Fung.
~~ Minister of Health and Welfare of the People of Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mrs. Norazlinah Arif.
~~ Assistant Minister of Health and Welfare of the People of Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Dr. Yusof Yacob |
~~ Sabah Minister of Education and Innovation.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Tuan Mohammad Mohamarin.
~~ Assistant Minister of Education and Innovation Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mrs. Jenifer Lasimbang.
~~ Assistant Minister of Education and Innovation Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Aidi Moktar.
~~ Sabah Minister of Law and Native Affairs.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Uda Sulai.
~~ Assistant Minister of Law and Native Affairs Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mrs. Jane Lasimbang.
~~ Assistant Minister of Law and Native Affairs Sabah.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Datuk Jimmy Wong Sze Phin.
~~ Assistant Minister in the Sabah Chief Minister's Department.

~ The Honorable (Yang Berhormat, Y.B.) Mr. Arifin Asgali.
~~ Assistant Minister in the Sabah Chief Minister's Department.

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